Move over LBD, style star Mercy Eke just set a trend with her latest look. Out and about enjoying the weekend’s activities, the BBNaija star got all the attention on Instagram as she shared photos of her hot red mini dress. The dress was designed by SOMO by Somo – a long time favourite of TV sweetheart Sharon Ooja Egwurube.
It was the perfect fit for Mercy, who often steals the spotlight at every event. Featuring an optical illusion sheer top intricately embroidered to cover the chest area and continuing to form figure-flattering mid-riff cut-outs. We love how the designer used matching red feathers cascading around her waist to complete the look.
Styling: @mz_florashaw
Dress: @somobysomo
Makeup: @daniellesbeautyworld
Hair stylist: @queens_mane
Photo: @photokulture